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In this article, we will talk about some of the best methods and techniques used in the year 2018 and the correct methods to use as we move into the year 2019. We all know that the year 2018 is soon coming to a close, yet the new year to come is a time that can be full of opportunity when it comes to your best success in internet marketing. One of the most important steps that you can take as a serious internet marketing professional is to begin thinking about the different strategies you can use for the next year during the few months leading up to 2019. With everyone making their resolutions for the new year, especially the closer that we approach it, there is also a huge profit margin for you if you make a business resolution or two yourself.

We in the internet marketing profession know that the name of the game is traffic. This refers to the most important part of what you are trying to accomplish – the more internet traffic you receive the more revenue you earn. With this in mind, the first thing we want to think about for the upcoming year is how can we increase our internet traffic. When we think of the traditional ways of gaining more internet traffic that have been tried and tested we think of factors like having a blog, YouTube channel, and social media pages. Owning a blog featuring great posts is the first step toward the success you are craving. This allows the users of the internet to read and learn about your content and products or services. This is also a great place for the users to get engaged with your social media pages or videos on YouTube. Managing a well-structured blog means placing links to all of your social media platforms and videos where appropriate.

You want to have an account on as many social media platforms as you can maintain, as this will help you engage as many users as possible. You will also need to ensure that you are creating captivating posts with each platform that you are using. This is also a great place to get some paid traffic advertisement going for your internet marketing endeavors. Most of the social media platforms established offer some type of program such as paid advertising these days. Using these paid promotions is an excellent idea once you have already built a decently-sized audience and you have posted a good amount of content already.

Now, as we begin to think of what we can add to our internet marketing strategy for the upcoming year we should branch out in our thought process. You may already have a blog and social media accounts to share content regularly. You may also keep up with a YouTube channel for all of your videos and produce top quality videos for it. The next thing you may want to look into is creating your own podcast. Apple dominates the podcast world at the moment. However, there are different sites you may look into for creating a podcast as well. This is an area where you will want to do some in-depth research before breaking ground, and this is due to the number of successful podcasts out there already. You can easily look at some of the most successful podcasts out there that are related to your niche. This will help you to have a better understanding of the direction you should go in for the best results.

Next comes the option of repurposing content. For example, say you have hundreds of high-quality posts on your blog and you want to make them traffic generators now. The first thing you can do is go through the post in which you wish to use and find the points you want to highlight. You can take these points and use each one on each of your social media platforms for a post. Each point then turns into one post for each platform you have, so then you have multiple posts for each social media page from one blog post. The next most effective way to generate more traffic is to turn each post that you wish into a YouTube video. This is another highly effective tool used in the art of repurposing content. As we mentioned earlier in this article having a podcast is another great thing to help you repurpose your content. One blog post can become a podcast or multiple podcasts, which is up to you.

The next technique to use in internet marketing that we will talk about is the use of collection e-mails. Now, this is something you should already be doing with your blog. If you are that’s great, if you are not you should definitely start. Having an extensive e-mail list is a great way to keep individuals seeing your offers and new content by using an e-mail service to send your audience your latest work. People tend to do a lot of research before making a buying decision these days. With that in mind, you can see how having a large number of people viewing each offer and new post you make could be very helpful to your success.

Another part of internet marketing strategy that will set you apart from everyone else in the profession is closer analytics analysis. By carefully evaluating this data you can have a much better understanding of what is working for you and getting the most traffic sent in your direction. Also, seeing what works best for you can change your methods of delivery up to match those methods used that show the greatest results. We all have seen some variations in either blog posts or videos while we have been creating content. Some content does much better than others and this is a something to pay close attention to. Noticing the differences in these pieces of content will give us the information we need to make more engaging content moving forward.

Answering questions on Quora is another excellent way to generate more traffic coming to your blog and other content as well. The way this works is once you answer a question you can link back to the resource, whether it be your page or other content that is similar to the topic at hand. It is very important to ensure that you only provide high-quality answers to the questions. This will give you the best chance of getting more people to click the links you leave along with the answers.

In conclusion, using these methods to help you see more results for the year 2019 can greatly influence the number of visitors to your sites. If you get a leg up now before the new year you can have the market cornered, causing it to be a much more successful year than the previous one. We know that those of us in the internet marketing game would like to see growth and greater revenue. We are sure that if you use these tips we shared with you today you will see some results before the new year is even here.


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